Thursday, January 7, 2010

Northern Ireland sees violence once more

For someone who looks really really really Irish I'm mostly Austrian and I connect with my Austrian heritage more than my Irish heritage. I don't really know much about the violence in Ireland and was told not to ask my Nana because shes 100% Irish and doesn't like to talk about it. So maybe anyone who reads this blog can inform me whats up with this situation? Who fighting who? Why are they fighting? Heres the article I got it from please help me understand this family taboo discussion.

Obama's Brother

Even though Obama is my president the leader of my country and my military I know little about him personally and more about his clean cut political appearance. I know he lived with his white mom, he went to Harvard, he has a wife and kids, and hes admitted to doing coke. But besides that I didn't really know that much about him. I wasn't shocked to find out that he had a half brother because if his dad got his mom pregnant and then left, I feel if he could do that to someone he wouldn't have that much trouble in doing it to someone else. What did shock me was that he lived in the slums of Kenya and his brother who technically has the wealth of a nation and defiantly has influence over many of the nations wealthiest has not helped his half brother out. George Obama lives in the slums of Kenya, he was briefly imprisoned, and got out and started an orginization for the youth of the ghettos of Kenya to go play soccer. In the article you can see subtle hints of pain and jealousy that his brother has not supported him and gotten him out of Kenya but on the other hand they never knew each other and he doesn't owe him anything

Im not telling you to have tons of sex but...

I finally found an article that I didn't find remotely boring!!! I was going on CNN and found this article. Its based on this study of a married couple having sex everyday for a whole month in an attempt to quit their bad habits. They found out that there was many health benefits to having sex on a regular basis. Here they are;

1. A longer life

In a British study, men who had intercourse at least twice a week lived longer than men who had sex less than once a month. A U.S. study had similar findings, and a Swedish study examining the sex lives of 70-year-olds found that men who died before their 75th birthday had ceased having sexual intercourse at earlier ages.

The Swedish study didn't find that women lived longer if they had sex more frequently, and neither did a study in North Carolina. However, in the North Carolina study, women who reported enjoying sex more lived longer than those who didn't report enjoyment.

2. A healthier heart

In a British study, people who had intercourse twice a week or more were less likely to have heart attacks and other fatal coronary events. Those who had sex less than once a month had twice the rates of fatal coronary events, compared with those with the highest frequency of intercourse.

3. Lower blood pressure

In a study published in the journal Biological Psychology, people who had sex more often tended to have lower diastolic blood pressure, or the bottom number in a blood pressure reading. Brody's experiment, in which more sexually active study subjects had markedly less dramatic blood pressure spikes when they were put under stress, also supports the benefit.

4. Lower risk of breast cancer

A French study found that women who have vaginal intercourse not at all or infrequently had three times the risk of breast cancer, compared with women who had intercourse more often.

5. Lower risk of prostate cancer

A Minnesota study found that men who'd had intercourse more than 3,000 times in their lives had half the prostate cancer risk of those who had not. While it's not clear why this would be true, studies have found that men who had more intercourse tended to have better prostate function and eliminated more waste products in their semen. "These differences could conceivably impact prostate cancer risk," Brody writes in his article.

6. Pain relief

Whipple and others have conducted studies suggesting that more sexual activity helps relieve lower back pain and migraines.

7. A slimmer physique

A study of healthy German adults revealed that men and women who had sex more frequently tended to be slimmer than folks who didn't have as much sex. Sex burns 50 to 60 calories per encounter, Whipple says, so sex three times a week for a month would burn about 700 calories -- or the equivalent of jogging about seven miles.

8. Better testosterone levels

A group of men being treated for erectile problems saw greater increases in testosterone when, along with the treatments, they had frequent sex. Specifically, men who had sex at least eight times per month had greater increases than those who had sex less than eight times per month.

9. Fewer menopause symptoms

Menopausal women in Nigeria experienced fewer hot flashes when they had sex more frequently. Brody says this may be because sexual activity helps regulate hormonal levels, which in turn affect the symptoms of menopause.

10. Healthier semen

In three studies, men who had frequent intercourse had a higher volume of semen, a higher sperm count and a higher percentage of healthier sperm, compared with men who tended to participate in other sexual activities.


I had several choices to who I was going to donate the proceeds to. At first I wanted to donate the proceeds to a bay area arts program but then I was approached by an Aquaboon representative who goes to Acalanes so I thought it would tie in better with the school and help others that are more impoverished. I wanted to give you guys some more info on aquaboon so people could understand it better. Aquaboon is a non profit organization which I like. Its goal is to clean water of impoverished indian children because thousands die of waterborne disease and to keep good hygiene. Something that we really take for granite and i wanted to give back on a larger scale.

Mental Health Break

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Community Service Plan

My community service plan is a lot different from most people. Basically I wanted to do something I thought I would actually enjoy instead of cleaning up trash for 15 hours and hating every second of it. I've decided to do a gallery show and all the proceeds go to Aquaboon which is a non profit organization that cleans water for children in India. The gallery showing is hopefully sometime in May, I'm aiming for anytime in the spring really. I want to hold it at the new Lafayette library due to its location plus I heard it looks really cool inside. There are four artist on board so far, and possible two more on the way. The artists are; yours truly, Graham Holoch, Kyung Chun, and Andrew Moore. All of them are Acalanes students except for Andrew Moore who is a very talented photographer who recently graduated from Marimonte. I honestly think the show is going to be really fun. We aren't going to be painting fine art, this is what we want to draw so I'm not banking on sales. I'm going to be charging a relatively small entry fee to get in, so tell everyone I want a lot of people to come. Its a win win situation, you get to see cool art while helping kids in India.