Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Community Service Plan

My community service plan is a lot different from most people. Basically I wanted to do something I thought I would actually enjoy instead of cleaning up trash for 15 hours and hating every second of it. I've decided to do a gallery show and all the proceeds go to Aquaboon which is a non profit organization that cleans water for children in India. The gallery showing is hopefully sometime in May, I'm aiming for anytime in the spring really. I want to hold it at the new Lafayette library due to its location plus I heard it looks really cool inside. There are four artist on board so far, and possible two more on the way. The artists are; yours truly, Graham Holoch, Kyung Chun, and Andrew Moore. All of them are Acalanes students except for Andrew Moore who is a very talented photographer who recently graduated from Marimonte. I honestly think the show is going to be really fun. We aren't going to be painting fine art, this is what we want to draw so I'm not banking on sales. I'm going to be charging a relatively small entry fee to get in, so tell everyone I want a lot of people to come. Its a win win situation, you get to see cool art while helping kids in India.

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