Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama's Brother

Even though Obama is my president the leader of my country and my military I know little about him personally and more about his clean cut political appearance. I know he lived with his white mom, he went to Harvard, he has a wife and kids, and hes admitted to doing coke. But besides that I didn't really know that much about him. I wasn't shocked to find out that he had a half brother because if his dad got his mom pregnant and then left, I feel if he could do that to someone he wouldn't have that much trouble in doing it to someone else. What did shock me was that he lived in the slums of Kenya and his brother who technically has the wealth of a nation and defiantly has influence over many of the nations wealthiest has not helped his half brother out. George Obama lives in the slums of Kenya, he was briefly imprisoned, and got out and started an orginization for the youth of the ghettos of Kenya to go play soccer. In the article you can see subtle hints of pain and jealousy that his brother has not supported him and gotten him out of Kenya but on the other hand they never knew each other and he doesn't owe him anything

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