Sunday, May 9, 2010

Democratic Party

In my view on the world I find it hard to associate to one particular party because both parties have a wide variation in radicalism and they never seem to be able to help eachother out. Focusing on the Democrats I really don't like the extreme left of the party. For example blogger Brian J. Gladish, who declares himself as a classic liberal labels anything that he doesn't agree with as fascism. At the same time I feel like the fact that the Democrats represent liberalism is the best trait they have. The youth will always associate as with liberal view point which is what will bring in future voters to the democratic parties. They have programs that recruit young voters. One of their other weaknesses is they are stereotyped as being the "hippies" of politics. They appear weak when it comes to defense issues and economic issues as well as the Baltimore Reporter points out.

1 comment:

  1. It is unfortunate that you either did not read my blog or did not understand a word of it. If I were to classify myself in the political spectrum, I would be much closer to being a Ron Paul Republican than any sort of Democrat. Classical liberalism ( is a philosophy of as little government as possible (I favor zero) and free markets - the complete opposite of the social democracy generally favored by Democrats. I hope this response clarifies my views and establishes that they are in no way supportive of "modern liberalism" in the U.S.
