Monday, December 7, 2009

Anti-Muslim Europe

We all know of the racist tension in America. Racial controversy between whites and blacks, hispanic americans, asian americans, there isn't a rock unturned when it comes to racism in America. A group that has been targeted by the public but by the government in the past eight years is Muslim Americans. Due to the religions association with small but extreme groups of terrorists any one in a turban or a head scarf gets strange looks. However no laws, official laws, have been put into place in America, Europe however is a different story. France has passed a law making in illegal to wear head scarfs in public schools. Sweden banned the building of minaretes in the alpine country. I didn't know Europe would be like that for some reason I assumed that they were more open to racial and religious issues. I guess I'm ignorant to ignorance. To read more about this subject click right here

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