Monday, December 7, 2009

Hes not Winston Churchill

I'm never really sure when a politician is lying about something. Weather it is their opinion on gay rights, health care plans, or the war. Thats why I'm not surprised that Obama is putting more troops into Afghanistan. Obama for some reason was the new Jesus, he was the first black president, he is a nobel peace prize winner, hes also a great basketball player but it doesn't make him able to stick to his word when it comes to everything he said. He said hed quit smoking but instead he just banned flavored cigarettes that attract kids. Obama as Fareed Zakaria said is a realist.

His newsweek article said "
This first year of his presidency has been a window into Barack Obama's world view. Most presidents, once they get hold of the bully pulpit, cannot resist the temptation to become Winston Churchill. They gravitate to grand rhetoric about freedom and tyranny, and embrace the moral drama of their role as leaders of the free world. Even the elder Bush, a pragmatist if there ever was one, lapsed into dreamy language about "a new world order" once he stood in front of the United Nations. Not Obama. He has been cool and calculating, whether dealing with Russia, Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan. A great orator, he has, in this arena, kept his eloquence in check. Obama is a realist, by temperament, learning, and instinct. More than any president since Richard Nixon, he has focused on defining American interests carefully, providing the resources to achieve them, and keeping his eyes on the prize.

I really like this take on Obama because it doesn't put him down for his inability to stop the war. Zakaria's opinion is similar to mine, we'd prefer someone who is realistic and direct in their plans. So many politicians promise things that they can't possibly make happen. And I know that thats the nature of politics but still its pretty disappointing when your lied to by your countries leader. I'd prefer a realistic approach then one construed by fiction

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