Thursday, December 10, 2009

Take a Bike Outta Grime!!!

I recently read that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has officially determined that Co2 is a pollutant. I thought that was a known fact, but I assume that maybe they think it'll be easier to make it more known if they say it. They are currently on the impossible job of regulation Co2, which I have no idea how to change except if everyone started riding bikes. The past few days I've been thinking about it and so I decided to list all the pros of riding a bike to get around instead of a car.

1. Riding your bike not only gets you around town but it gets you in shape.
"Your strength, stamina, aerobic fitness and general muscle function will all be improved. Cycling is a low impact activity and one of the safest ways to exercise without risk of over-exertion or strain to muscles and joints. Regular physical activity also facilitates other healthy behaviour and could help you reduce weight or even give up smoking". To read more on the benefits of riding a bike click here.

2. Riding your bike is obviously cost efficient. Gas prices in my area are from 2.83$ to 3.09$ dollars a gallon. Unfortunately I can't find any statistics to see how much you'd save a year, but I'm sure you could do the math. Plus, who's really going to argue the point that you don't save money riding a bike.

3. It saves the environment.
  • SUV's release up to forty-seven percent more car pollution than the average-sized car.
  • The amount of car pollution that is released from cars is much more than the amount of pollution released by a nuclear power plant.
  • Ozone pollution is primarily due to the pollution that is released by cars. Seventy-two percent of nitrogen oxides and fifty-two percent of hydrocarbons, which is a component of smog, are released by cars.
  • The Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health published a study that suggested that most childhood cancers are caused by air pollution, which can be caused by cars and more.
  • There are 752 cars for every 1,000 people in the United States.
  • In China, the number of cars that are driven has doubled every five years for the past thirty years.
  • Thirty-thousand people in the United States each year die from conditions that are caused or exacerbated by car pollution.
  • Half of the people in the United States live in areas that fail to meet federal air quality standards at least several days a year.
  • Eighty million people live in areas that are continually not living up to these standards.
  • SUV's release 28-gallons of carbon dioxide into the air for every gallon of gasoline that is used.
  • Car pollution has numerous effects, both physically and environmentally, like acid rain, smog, lung cancer, and respiratory problems to read more click here.
4. You can get a bad ass looking fixie. Aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, economically progressive, and good for the environment. Whats not to like

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