Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Arne Ducan Praise

As you know I've been looking on the eduction reform that the Obama administration has been doing almost under the cover of the health care plan controversy. We all have been not blinded, but almost, purposely distracted from the reform thats actually causing quite a stir within the teachers unions.

There's no time to waste. He's been handed this portfolio and he's going to make the most of it before anybody catches on to what he's doing and mounts the opposition that in the past has always derailed major change to the status quo. Duncan turned heads when he entered the Ritz-Carlton in Washington early this month in part because he's so tall (6-foot-5), and because he is offering the kind of strong, spirited leadership that the education community doesn't often associate with Washington. He was there to make a presentation about improving student achievement to a meeting of the Strategic Management of Human Capital National Task Force (SMHC). Speaking in rapid-fire fashion and using phrases he surely could utter in his sleep, Duncan talked about our "fundamentally broken system" and the "magnitude of opportunities" that fixing it presents. He urged the assembled conferees, school officials, elected officials, and union leaders, to "move outside our comfort zone," exhorting them that for the first time in recent memory, lack of resources could not hold them back, only the lack of political will.

This is description of Arne Duncan, the secretary of eduction in the Obama administration. In my opinion this is a really positive view on him. Not that his motive is not good its just that there doesn't seem to be any press on how this man is changing our education system.

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