Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gallery is Up and Ready

So the past few weeks of me working on my community service has been really hectic due to a lot of let downs. At first I had spoken to the Lafayette library about doing a show there and I had gotten conformation that it would work out. I was told to wait for an e-mail from them so I could send them my proposition for what I needed. I waited for a long time and then I called them back and it turns out that the lady I had spoken to was really unorganized and no one knew who I was or who the lady I asked for was. Basically the library deal was off. So I called Fast Frames in down town Lafayette and asked if I could hang some stuff up and they were really cool and let me. As I was collecting everyone's art to go deliver it, one of the artist had a last second drop out. It was lame but I guess he had his reasons so I can't really hold a grudge. However I had someone to fill his place luckily. In the long run I feel like i went about it in an unprepared way but I never thought it would take that much energy to put together. I guess its a trial and error thing to do, I really wasn't happy about how rushed it ended up being, but I learned a lot about organizing people. Moral of the story is that you have to micro manage people from time to time.

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