Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Medication and Children

As I was looking for blog worthy topics I found this book review on Newsweek. It first stuck me because I had never seen a book review on Newsweek. Secondly when I read the discription of the book it was on medication and children which lured me in since I was given medication at a very young age. I read the description and I really want to go buy the book because half way the studying and writing of the book she had changed her mind on weather medicating your children was ok or not. She had started off like me, not thinking it was very good for the children, and then changed her opinion on the matter. I really want to know what information that she has because when i was forced to take medication i was just really bummed all the time. I really felt that it did a lot of emotional and psychiatric damage than ever helping me.
I really hope you go read the over view of the book, It called We've Got Issues by Judish Warner

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