Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The details

I'm talking to the employees of the Lafayette Library currently. I've left several messages as well as going into the Library itself. If conditions were perfect I could rent a room to leave the art in that is close to the main room of the library. The art is in the process as we speak. Kyung Chun and Graham Holoch have been working really hard and have been coming out with some really cool pieces and I'm really digging them. I myself have been trying to put the best stuff together I can but when I see the art that my colleges are putting out I'm not sure that I'm working hard enough. I'm really stressing out about the Library though just because I haven't been getting any feedback from them. I'm heading in tomorrow again to see if I can talk to someone in charge. If it doesn't work out there then ill find somewhere else. We just need a place to put up the art, and then we'll be set. Flyers will come out soon

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