Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Suffering Art of California

California has always been a state that has produced tons of great art. We have Los Angeles that produces the majority of the films in modern cinema, which happens to home to the majority of the movie stars in the country. SanFransico is home to one of the richest art community in the country, and in my opinion the world, not to mention the new tattoo mecca. Which is why I am so worried about the suffering art programs of the country.

A statewide survey by SRI International concluded that of the 1,123 schools surveyed:
  • 89 percent failed to meet state standards for arts education;
  • Nearly 1/3 offered no art education coursework that met state standards;
  • 61 percent had no full-time arts specialist, with classroom teachers without adequate training teaching arts education at the elementary level;
  • Kindergarten through 12 enrollment in music classes declined by 37 percent over a five-year period, ending last June; and
  • Poor schools have the least access to arts education; whereas better income schools (where parents can afford private lessons) are more apt to have it.
Here is a link to more information.

I am someone who not only enjoys doing art myself but I also am one who studies art both classical and contemporary and I would hate to see that due to the lack of funds that California loses its community of talented artist. If California loses its art program it might just lose an important part of itself.

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