Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Parcel Tax

As many are aware of the California education system has been plummeting downward an an increasing rate due to the recession and the horribly managed state budget. If you are a student at Acalanes High School you might have picked up on this when certain the english programs had been simplified and some courses had been canceled.As someone who has been enrolled in the art program I have seen this too. Mrs. Taylor one of the main art teachers at Acalanes has been reduced to little funding from the school and district. She has been buying supplies for the school with her own money and some winning from art contests. Some where surprised that an affluent community such as the Lamorinda area could feel a blow, which shows the actual danger our state education is in. A Parcel tax has been introduced to our State education system which might actually help the current situation. Your probably wondering what a parcel tax is.

“Parcel Tax” is the common term for a school district “qualified special
tax”. Cities, counties and other districts can also adopt special taxes.
Special taxes are permitted by the Constitution, and require approval at an
election by at least 2/3 of those voting on the measure. However, a bill
pending in the Legislature would allow California voters to amend the
Constitution to reduce the required vote to 55% for school district Parcel
Taxes, the same as for school bonds.

The parcel tax is not limited to any spending limits. What I mean by that is that you are not required to spend it on any certain thing. The money could be spent on a football field or on our art program. What I have read about the parcel tax in California is that it is backed up by the teacher and the school district but the tax payers themselves are not going to vote a two thirds ratio over this.

I want this to pass because even though I am not a studious person, I really dislike school, but it is unfair that millions of students will get lower education that they deserve due to the fact that people don't want to pay taxes. On the other side I understand that its hard enough to live in California and people don't need another burden. However, tax payers must realize that this parcel tax requires that they must be selfless and give their children or other peoples children the level of education that they deserve.

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